Changing Gear

As I write this, the 2009 Tour de France has just got under way. Lance Armstrong is riding through the streets of Monaco in glorious HD, the first-ever HD broadcast of Nederland 1. In that respect, it’s a pisser that we go on holiday tomorrow, as I’ll be lucky if I manage to catch any stages on TV after today’s prologue. Still, our car has built-in DVB-T TV, just in case.

It’s that funny time of year. School has broken up, it’s baking hot outside and the city already feels as if it’s switched down a couple of gears as the seasonal exodus gets under way.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon in the Amsterdamse Bos for Het Speelhol’s climactic Indian Picnic. At the end, we said our reluctant goodbyes to Wanda and the other parents, as it’ll now be an infrequent occurrence that our paths cross.

After the summer, Eloïse starts at primary school. We went there last Monday to introduce her to her new teacher, Yvette, and give her her the chance to look around her new classroom. Although she was shy at the beginning, she had loosened up somewhat by the end and was very positive about what she had seen. I’m confident she’s going to fit in very well and she seems completely ready for the next big step in her life.

The parents seated themselves in semicircular fashion and Yvette played a little bit of harp before telling a story about a cat, using plastic farmyard animals to bring it to life. Lukie, especially, found this immensely entertaining and giggled all the way through. He must have seemed to the parents of the other new children the world’s easiest, most joyful baby. Little do they know that even cherub-like Lukie has his tantrums.

Our confidence that Eloïse will thrive at her new school notwithstanding, it was hard to say goodbye to Wanda. It’s even harder to imagine that we’ll no longer make that five minute walk twice a day to Het Speelhol. It’s become such a regular fixture in our lives, a daily metronome, tapping out the rhythm of our afternoons.

Perhaps the hardest thing to imagine is that I’ll have to start getting up early to ride Eloïse to her new school on the bakfiets. Ugh. She’ll probably be used to her new school before I get used to that.

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30 Years Of ‘War Of The Worlds’

A couple of days ago, the day of a long-waited concert finally rolled around. Last October, I purchased tickets for the stage production of Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds at the tackily named and shamelessly over-commercialised Heineken Music Hall, here in Amsterdam. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased tickets that far in advance of an event before.

The multi-platinum album has been in my collection for some 30 years now. Nary a human-being, never mind an inanimate object, has featured so consistently throughout the passage of my life.

Although the music on the album sounds dated now (particularly the wah-wah of the rhythm guitar), the story is as fresh and compelling today as when the book was first published. And, whilst the music clearly hails from the seventies with its fusion of disco rhythms and bombastic prog-rock tendencies, it’s still eminently enjoyable.

I bought a couple of singles from the album back in 1978/79, but it wasn’t until a school trip to Rome with my Latin class that I was exposed to the whole album; repeatedly, incessantly, in the coach on the way there and then back again, so that the listening experience became inextricably linked with that one, brief period in the space and time of my lost youth.

Listening to it now, therefore, is not only an enjoyable and meritorious musical experience in its own right, but inevitably also a nostalgic excursion to a period of my life now so far removed that it, too, seems little more than vivid fiction.

The stage show has never travelled to continental Europe before. The performance in Amsterdam was to be the only one of its kind at the end of a UK tour, but the tickets sold out so quickly that another night was soon added. Somewhat later, a third performance was tacked onto the schedule, along with a night or two in Oberhausen, Germany.

Reviews of the stage production can be found all over the Internet, so I won’t go into detail here. Suffice it to say that I was blown away, particularly by how faithfully the sound of the album had been reproduced. That’s due, perhaps, to a decent number of the original recording cast having been contracted for the stage show, with Jeff Wayne himself conducting.

Sarah, too, for whom the music was basically an unknown quantity, enjoyed herself immensely.

After the concert, we picked up a copy of that very evening’s concert on CD and headed home, where Mina had been babysitting for us.

To our amazement, she had managed to put both children to bed with very little fuss and they had slept soundly for almost the entire evening, Lucas awakening only once, briefly, for a quick grumble before going back to sleep.

I ripped the CDs and we were listening to the performance again the very next morning. The quality of the mix was incredibly good and I’m very impressed by the fact that Concert Live can have CDs of a show on sale within fifteen minutes of the final note having been struck. That’s no mean feat and there’s no better memento of a gig than a high-quality recording of it.

The third night’s performance will be broadcast live tonight by Radio 2 and won’t cost you a thing.

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The Wait

Here I am again at Audi, waiting for summer and air-conditioning checks to be carried out in preparation for our trip.

The fan in the car actually started growling after I made the appointment to have the airco checked over, as if the car knew that now was the time to start throwing in the towel.

At the start of the drive here, the electrically driven side mirrors decided not to fold in or out any more, so now those have to be looked at, too. The more electronics in a car (or anything else, for that matter), the more that go wrong. Still, better now than a week from now, when we’ll be in the Baltics.

I wanted to title this entry Waiting Room, but the computer here wanted to complete the title for me, revealing that I must have used that title the last time I blogged from here. I’m nothing if not consistent, is one possible conclusion.

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Almost Finished

The dining-room ceiling was repainted yesterday, along with the kitchen and living-room ceilings, too, because they run seamlessly into the dining-room. I must say, the painters did a nice job; better than the gang we had in last time.

We’re almost back to normal. Tomorrow afternoon, the lamps will be rehung over the table and the smoke detector reseated.

At that point, it’ll be as if the leak had never happened. Well, almost. There are a few tell-tale signs of the trauma that the ceiling has endured: the painted surface is visibly rougher in a couple of places and there are some slight seams at the edges of the former hole, where the filler meets the original ceiling.

All in all, though, I’m amazed that there’s so little evidence of the very intrusive work that was done. Everyone involved in the chain of repair has done an impressive job. That fact alone is quite surprising to me. We’ve had a very good contractor orchestrating the repair and I must say that it’s been great to be insulated from the process by this fellow. I’ve had to deal only with him and he has organised and dealt with everyone who needed to be brought in.

That’s how it should work, of course, but all too often, I find myself fulfilling the role of project manager. It’s been particularly nice to have a different experience this time, given the complexity of finding and fixing the problem. There’s been a minimum of fuss and the work has been completed quite quickly. It’s great to be able to leave on holiday this Sunday without any fear of the state we’ll find the place in on our return.

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Car Hacking

With our trip to the Baltics just around the corner, I was contemplating the many kilometres of driving ahead and this soon had me recalling our trip across central Europe in 2006. In particular, I clearly remember how our sat-nav system thought we’d fallen off the edge of the earth when we entered Hungary. Map coverage in Czechia and Slovakia was also decidedly spotty. The latter country had no coverage at all outside of the capital, Bratislava.

In the case of the Baltic states, I knew that these countries weren’t covered at all by our system. That’s hardly surprising, because the DVD containing the maps identifies itself as being for western Europe.

That rather implies that there are other DVDs available for other regions of the continent, so I went looking on-line to see if I could find a reference to one for the area in which we’re interested.

I soon made the pleasant discovery that the 2009 Audi navigation DVD has an expanded country list that includes the Baltic states. The bad news is that Audi charges a ridiculous amount of money for an a copy of the uodated DVD: between €200-300, depending on how generous they’re feeling.

I paid this fee a couple of years ago, when Audi were offering a special deal, whereby they would update your MMI (Multi Media Interface, the car’s software user interface) to the latest version and supply you with the latest sat-nav DVD for a single, reduced price . This combination deal was being offered because Audi had just released a localised MMI translation for the Dutch market, along with spoken navigation directions in the Dutch language.

This isn’t the kind of money I feel is reasonable to demand for annual incremental improvements to the map coverage, however, so I decided that I would scout around on-line and try to find a copy of the 2009 DVD by other means.

As you might expect. it didn’t take very long.

Whilst looking for the item in question, I also discovered that my MMI was now long out-of-date; hardly surprising, really, since it had been two years since Audi performed the last one.

So, in addition to the DVD image I’d found, I also downloaded three CD images containing the latest MMI software. With information gleaned from a couple of Audi Web forums, I now possessed the necessary knowledge to initiate the update process.

Flashing your digital camera or PlayStation is one thing, but the prospect of bricking one’s car had me slightly more nervous than I would normally be at the prospect of installing new firmware on a piece of hardware. My nervousness only increased as the update got under way, with the software issuing grave warnings against causing any fluctuations in the supply voltage, for example by operating the windows or sun-roof.

Everything went smoothly, however, and I can report that our car is now running the very latest version of the MMI: 55.7.0 0835.

Immeasurably more pleasing, however, is that our sat-nav now boasts coverage of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Quite how good that coverage actually is, though, will become apparent in a matter of a week or so. I suspect that only certain cities will be covered, with few, if any, interconnecting roads. Still, anything’s better than nothing.

While searching for information on Audi MMI software updates, I came across a couple of interesting postings that indicated that one’s battery charge level indicator could disappear from the MMI after applying an update. This was interesting to me, because mine had disappeared two years earlier when Audi applied the last update.

I had noticed this immediately and queried Audi as to the reason. They told me that the battery meter had been removed from the latest version of the software, because it was considered unreliable.

Imagine my surprise when I read in this Audi enthusiasts’ forum that the loss of the battery meter was actually an expected, if undesirable side-effect of applying the MMI update, and that an Audi technical service bulletin (TSB), issued at the time to guide official Audi mechanics through the specifics of the new software release, indicates that the battery meter is turned off by default in the new version. In other words, it needs to be reenabled after updating.

Not only that, but a second MMI feature that allows instrument cluster settings to be modified turned out to have disappeared at the same time as the battery meter. I never use that menu, though, so I’d never noticed that it was missing until I read about it in the forum.

The main point here, of course, is that Audi had carried out the update improperly. The two features in question should have been manually restored after updating the MMI two years ago. Does no-one RTFM these days?

Further reading taught me that the missing features can be restored without the intervention of an Audi dealer. One needs only a laptop, some software and the means to connect the laptop to the car.

Needless to say, the prospect of being able to hack my own car was one that I stoically managed to resist for all of 24 hours.

Within a few days, the required cable had arrived from the US and I excitedly headed out to the car to connect my laptop to the same port used by Audi dealers to connect their much more expensive VAS 5051/5052 diagnostic computers.

A few minutes later, the missing menu entries were restored. I also took the time to enable a hidden MMI menu that allows access to a number of low level MMI settings. I can get to this menu now by holding down the CAR + SETUP buttons for five seconds.

Finally, I ran a diagnostics check of all of the control modules installed in the car. Checking these is the first thing Audi does if you take your car to the garage with some kind of complaint. Of course, Audi charges by the hour, so time spent diagnosing problems costs you as much as time spent fixing them. Using my new gear, I can find out which modules, if any, are indicating faults, before I even call Audi to make an appointment.

As it turns out, I found multiple fault conditions that Audi had failed to clear on previous visits to the garage, including some caused by them when they had decoupled certain systems in order to work on the car.

Normally, one has no insight into this kind of thing and simply has to assume that everything is being performed expertly and by the book. The missing MMI features and the failure to clear fault conditions indicate to me that the situation at an average Audi garage isn’t any better than at any other place where one would hope to find technical expertise and methodical work practices.

As usual, if you want a job done well, you have to do it yourself. There’s a very real limit to my expertise with the car, of course and tt ends well before the electronics turn into the mechanics. It’s not as if I don’t need the garage any more. On the other hand, I have, at least, managed to fix the problem that I set out to fix.

If I had called Audi about the problem, it’s possible they would have continued to claim that the menus in question were no longer available in this release of the software. It’s equally plausible that they might have been reluctant to hook up the car to their computer to fix the problem. And, of course, it’s not unthinkable that they might have simply been unable to fix it, due to the same lack of knowledge that caused the problem in the first place. It would be an awkward conversation in which I had to refer Audi to their own internal bulletin in order to educate them about the solution for my problem.

From my little excursion into the inner workings of the car’s brain, it’s clear that a good mechanic has to be at least as competent in the field of system administration. That’s hardly surprising, of course, because for years now, computers have been taking over more and more functions of the car and an increasingly large number of faults can now be diagnosed with and fixed in software alone.

Unfortunately, the ever-expanding skill set required to maintain the modern car obviously isn’t something that we, the consumer, can take for granted. For that reason, being able to make simple changes in software and run diagnostic checks is a very welcome addition to the home toolbox, to say nothing of the satisfying hacker experience of hooking up a laptop to your car.

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