Category Archives: USA
Fox News vs. Amsterdam
“The way they do statistics in the Netherlands is different.”
Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 3
Obama continues to vocally argue that Iran should not be allowed to develop a nuclear capability, and recently signed an agreement with Russia to reduce the nuclear arsenal of both countries. Evidently then, he can see neither the irony nor … Continue reading
American War Crime Documented
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video that depicts the indiscriminate slaying of more than dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad. The victims include two Reuters journalists. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through … Continue reading
Nobel Prize For What Exactly?
The news that Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize travelled around the world today like wildfire. Obama said he was surprised that he had been chosen. I’ll go one better and say that I’m positively flabbergasted. It seems … Continue reading
Credit Where Credit’s Due
Far be it from me to withhold credit where it’s due, so without the slightest reservation, I hereby commend Obama for the following deeds: Ordering the closure of the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay (although it’s still outrageous that he’s … Continue reading