Monthly Archives: February 2010
Spoilt For Bike Races
Last year, the Vuelta a España started in Assen. This year, the Giro d’Italia will not only start in Amsterdam, but depart and finish within walking distance of our house, as the following map of the 8.4 individual time-trial illustrates: … Continue reading
Eye Candy
I mentioned in a recent posting that I’ve worked my way through quite a lot of window managers in my time, and that the dull but functional Metacity has been my steady friend for seven or eight years now. The … Continue reading
You Know You’re Not In America When…
Ian just informed me that he got a bill from the health insurance company. Apparently his recent operation and hospital stay weren’t paid for by the insurance because he has a deductible. I immediately thought that it was unfortunate that … Continue reading
Of Old Dogs And New Tricks
Once upon a time, as an avid computer user and someone who even made his living in the field of IT, I used to regularly revisit my working habits and make incremental refinements to my methods and the set of … Continue reading
More Face-lifting
Two site updates in as many days. I’ve been busy. I’m continuing to get to know WordPress, delving into the guts of the system to understand how widgets, themes and plug-ins work. The more I see, the more I’m impressed. … Continue reading