Category Archives: Technology

Session instant messenger is fraught with serious problems

24 hours ago, I permanently shut down the Session open group server A dump was made of the server’s PostgreSQL database and preserved for posterity and even potential future resurrection. The dump contains the full history of every group … Continue reading

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Richard Stallman’s ostensible transphobia

To those who write about #Stallman‘s alleged transphobia, I offer this response. Stallman is demonstrably not transphobic. If you believe otherwise, I wonder whether you have actually read Stallman’s own writings on his use of pronouns, or merely formed an … Continue reading

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Free speech

xkcd 1357 presents a cogent, yet naively simplistic and ultimately one-sided view of free speech. Indeed, things go awry in the very first frame, in which it is claimed that free speech amounts to no more than one’s ability to … Continue reading

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On Richard Stallman

Richard #Stallman a.k.a. #RMS is the founder of the Free Software Foundation (#FSF), author of the original versions of gcc and Emacs, and perhaps best known for his creation of the GNU Public Licence a.k.a. #GPL. Thanks to the pioneering … Continue reading

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Broadening The Band

My domestic bandwidth has finally caught up with the halcyon days I experienced at Google in 2003 – 2004. It was somewhere around then that we, Googlers in the Mountain View office, were first able to access the Internet at … Continue reading

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