Category Archives: Life
Still Sick
Another early day today and another case of not sleeping terribly well and feeling rough. We had to be over at the new house by 10:00 to meet a guy from a furniture shop, who was coming to view the … Continue reading
It’s Ours!
I’m knackered. I slept badly last night and awoke this morning, feeling quite under the weather. Of all the days to get a cold, the flu or whatever it is. Bloody typical! The days are short here now, so we … Continue reading
Growing Like Cabbage
At the official weigh-in on Tuesday, Eloïse registered 7810 g. She’s 67 cm long. That puts her at the 50th percentile for both weight and length. Her head circumference, however, is 45.2 cm, which puts her in a much higher percentile: 75-80%. It’s … Continue reading
Almost There
The moment is almost upon us. Tomorrow morning, we get the keys to the new house. When we finally reached agreement with the seller over the price, it seemed like an awfully long time until we would be able to … Continue reading
Pan-Am Or Prince Charles?
Apparently, Americans and Britons use different muscles when they smile. This fact can be used to fairly reliably determine a person’s nationality.