Category Archives: Life
Strange Ways
The house numbering is strange around here. Regardless of the street in this particular town, virtually all houses seem to be numbered in the 20xxx or 44xxx area. In fact, the same is true of the adjacent towns. Weird. Why … Continue reading
Tall Timbers
Tall Timbers, Maryland: that’s where we are now. It’s so peaceful and relaxing here, due in no small part to the tranquil atmosphere of Fenella, Tim, Cameron and Willow’s household. After just a few days here, I find myself not … Continue reading
All I Wanted For Christmas was DSL
I’m in Providence now, having arrived here in the early evening of New Year’s Eve, weary and under the weather from some mysterious bug that had me feeling light-headed and suffering from diarrhoea. I was almost delirious on the bus … Continue reading
Reunited And It Feels So Good
The washing-machine and dryer were delivered at 07:45 this morning. Needless to say, I was up at an ungodly hour to bike over to the new house in the pitch black in order to receive them. The attitude of the … Continue reading
Moving Along
We went to Media Markt yesterday and bought a Senseo coffee-maker, plus a trio of phones for the new house. Today, I felt weak and had a bad headache all day. As a result, the pace of the day was … Continue reading