Category Archives: Life
Eloïse’s Seats
Speaking of furniture, we also bought two seats today for our little bundle of joy. They’re not in the house, though. No, these are for our Pack Max and 995 bikes from the Fietsfabriek. With summer now well on the … Continue reading
Couching Our Progress
We ordered another couch today. Like the one in our living-room, this one will be coming from Forma in the Utrechtsestraat. Sarah and I both really like the stuff in that shop and find ourselves going back time after time. … Continue reading
Coffee Snob
No, I’m not really a coffee snob; honestly, I’m not. I like good coffee, yes, but I don’t bore people with endless talk of beans, roasting, grinding, etc. How could I? I’m no expert, so I’d sound like a complete … Continue reading
Chunky Girl
At our latest visit to the Consultatiebureau, Eloïse weighed in at 9210 g. Her growth has slowed a little since our last visit, but that’s quite normal at this stage. She now has more teeth breaking through, three or four of … Continue reading
Magic Carpet
We’ve been making some good progress of late on furnishing the house. Some time ago, we decided that it would be nice to place a Persian carpet in the sitting room. We then held off on purchasing furniture for that … Continue reading