Category Archives: Life
Comings And Goings
Peter and Chantal have been visiting us this week. It’s Peter’s third stay with us; Chantal’s second. For both of them, however, it’s been their first time in the new house and it’s been fun. The nice thing about good … Continue reading
Bricks And Mortar
The house has been in scaffolding for the last couple of days, as workmen have been repairing some of the brickwork around the perimeter of the house. Much of this brickwork hasn’t seen any repair since it was first put … Continue reading
Dames en Heren, Appels en Peren
The title of this entry is what Wanda (of peuterspeelzaal fame) sings to the children when they’re changing from one activity to the next, in case you were wondering. This entry isn’t about Eloïse’s playschool, however. It’s about our family … Continue reading
Settling In
We’ve been very busy with the house over the last few weeks. It’s hard to imagine that only one calendar month has passed since we moved in, but that’s the reality of the situation. Dozens of boxes have been unpacked, … Continue reading
Eloïse’s Autumn Walk
It’s the end of Eloïse’s first week at peuterspeelzaal and what a successful one it has been. Today, it was a special afternoon out, with her whole group being driven down to the Amsterdamse Bos for an autumn walk through … Continue reading