Category Archives: Life
Afrika! Afrika!
I must just give a plug for the Afrika! Afrika! circus, currently stationed in Amsterdam after successful runs in Germany and Austria. This animal-free, mostly African circus is well worth the price of admission and guarantees you a night out … Continue reading
Archaeological Dig
An archaeological dig is what it felt like to go to my lock-up yesterday and browse through my old stuff. All of my Dutch possessions were transferred from my flat to this lock-up when I first went to America in … Continue reading
Nijntje Op Vakantie
I keep forgetting to mention that we took Eloïse during autumn half-term to see the children’s musical, Nijntje Op Vakantie at the Meervaart. I think I enjoyed it only slightly less than Eloïse, for whom I purchased a copy of … Continue reading
Mothers For Mothers
Sarah’s participation in Moeders Voor Moeders ended today. For the last ten or so weeks, Sarah has been collecting her urine in flasks and a man has been coming to the door on Fridays to pick them up. Subsequently, Moeders … Continue reading
Peter and Chantal left a day later than planned and headed to Paris instead of Stockholm. That’s the beauty of travel ad lib. Eloïse is back at playschool after half-term and loving every minute of it. Wanda told me that … Continue reading