Category Archives: Life
Goodbye, Penguins
Last Christmas, Eloïse was given a children’s book with a difference by her Uncle Jack. The book in question was Goodbye, Penguins by Greg Stones. Round at Jack’s house one afternoon, he had the great idea of filming Eloïse’s spirited … Continue reading
Fat Bastard
I’m a fat bastard. There’s just no denying it. Why would I even bother to try? I lost a fair bit of weight after leaving the USA, but I’ve put it all back on again. No longer can I blame … Continue reading
Crossing T’s And Dotting I’s
We’ve now rolled past the 37th week of pregnancy, which means that Eloïse’s imminent sibling is now medically considered full-term. In simple terms, if Sarah went into labour right now, midwifery protocols would allow a midwife to assist us with … Continue reading
Eloïse has been out of nappies and in underpants for some ten days now. In that time, she hasn’t had a single accident of the urinal or faecal variety. I’m impressed. She still wears a cloth nappy for going to … Continue reading
T-Minus 11 Weeks
There are only 11 weeks to go until the birth of our second child. It may sound like an unbelievable exaggeration, but I’m feeling less well prepared for this one than I was for Eloïse. When Sarah fell pregnant the … Continue reading