Category Archives: Life
Rebuilding The House
My feet never touch the ground around here. There’s always something going on, someone coming to the house to do something, someone who needs their mouth fed or their bottom wiped, an errand to do outside the house; that kind … Continue reading
Weights And Measures
Both of our children had appointments at the Consultatiebureau last week. Lucas is now 4.5 months young, weighed in at 7530 g and measured 65 cm in length. By way of comparison, at the same age, Eloïse was nearly 1400 g lighter and … Continue reading
Big Man
At the Consultatiebureau a few days ago, Lucas weighed in at 6320 g, with a length of 61 cm and a head circumference of 41.4 cm. He’s well on the way to doubling his birth weight, which was 3500 g.
A few weeks ago, I got out of bed and discovered I had a bad back. Well, shit happens, I thought; I’m not getting any younger. This old body isn’t what it used to be, and believe me when I … Continue reading
Big Decision
We had to make a big decision today. Eloïse was set to move after the summer from Het Speelhol to a new peuterspeelzaal, namely that belonging to the Amsterdamse Montessori School, about a kilometre from here. The reason for the … Continue reading