…so it should come as no surprise that I’m still around.
I now have some decidedly odd sensations in my crotch, as if a small rodent is burrowing away down there. Hardly surprising, I suppose, after some bloke has been rummaging around inside my nether regions.
Apart from these inner ructions, all I have as a physical reminder of today’s operation is some soreness, tenderness and the feeling of having pulled a few muscles. One other reminder is that my loins now give Lukie’s a run for their money in the baldness stakes, but that will grow back.
All in all, quite a result.
The doctor had prepared me for a lot more pain than I’m feeling at the moment. It’s really quite mild and my only medication is paracetamol. I should have no trouble sleeping tonight; touch wood.
There now dawns an irritating period of convalescence, during which I’m not supposed to do much of anything. Some people would say I’ve spent my whole life doing just that and should find it no adjustment at all, but the idea of being confined to the couch for the next week, not being able to bend over, pick up Lukie or even press out a reluctant turd is not one I relish.
Just another or life’s little trials and tribulations.