Head In A Vice Again

Last night was difficult. I was exhausted at the time of going to bed and woke up every couple of hours, soaked in my own sweat. My head felt leaden and dull.

I eventually rose around 07:00, as Sarah was having a lot of problems with Eloïse. Lucas had had a fever all night, too, so we were concerned about him.

Within minutes of being awake, yesterday’s brain-pounding juggernaut made a prompt return and had me all but incapacitated again. The headache continued to worsen until, at about 08:30, I was forced to go back to bed, where I slept until about 10:00.

Things were no better when I rose for my second attempt at the day. Given that this headache was so painful, now into its second day, and persisting long after classic chicken pox symptoms had all but disappeared, I began to reluctantly suspect some kind of secondary complication.

The fact that my head was pounding over the entire area of its upper hemisphere, rather than in one localised area, led me to conclude that there was probably pressure over the surface of my entire brain. With this in mind, I suspect that the symptoms of the last couple of days have actually been those of mild encephalitis. That’s my belief, anyway, as the circumstances and symptoms match perfectly.

Some time before noon, I was forced back into bed yet again, where I fell asleep for somewhere between two and three hours. When I awoke this time, however, I was a little less sweaty and my head felt somewhat lighter.

Since awaking that final time today, the force of my headache has been stable and manageable. I’m optimistic that the end of the illness is in sight, but I won’t know for sure until I see how well I sleep tonight and how I feel tomorrow.

Lucas’s fever has been fairly stable throughout the day and he doesn’t seem to be in too much discomfort. Poor little fellow, having to deal with chicken pox so early in life. He won’t even get immunity from the experience. At least I can rest easy after this is over, secure in the knowledge that this particular illness can’t afflict me again.

So, we’re less concerned about Lucas now, which is a worry we can really do without.

Hopefully, tomorrow morning will bring the realisation that I’ve enjoyed a good night’s sleep, awoken amidst dry sheets, and am free of headache and itching. I’m optimistic about my chances.

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