You’ve got to hand it to the American Democratic party, when it comes to backbone, they don’t have a vertebra between them.
Tens of thousands of people marched in Washington yesterday against Bush’s illegal war in Iraq. Guess how many of them were Democratic politicians. Any idea? The answer is: one. That’s right, only one of them had the balls to stand up and be counted.
Why not more? you may be wondering. Well, the answer is as simple as it is depressing.
You see, many of those involved with yesterday’s march are calling for Bush to be impeached. After all, he lied to the world in an attempt to morally justify an illegal and bloody war against the people of Iraq, selling it to the gullible American public and his reluctant European allies under the monicker of freedom and democracy, when really it was a quest to secure oil supplies.
That’s pretty despicable, I think, and pretty much everyone I know seems to agree. So, given that this man has disgraced his nation worldwide and contributed to the image of America as a greed-ridden playground bully with more brawn than brain, you’d think his political opposition would be making the most of a demonstration against his continued pursuance of oil for blood, wouldn’t you?
But they’re not. The Democrats don’t want to burn their fingers on calls for Bush’s impeachment. No-one wants to bite off that much political commotion to chew. Perhaps it’s a case of people in glasshouses not wanting to throw stones, but I can’t see it as anything other than what it appears to be at face value: rampant cowardice.
So, whilst the Republicans went all-out to impeach Clinton for the actions of his penis and his lies concerning those actions, the Democrats are not prepared to return the favour for Bush, whose actions have left more than 3000 American soldiers and more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Whose is the greater crime? I ask you. A man with an errant penis who lied under oath, or a man whose actions have left more than a hundred thousand dead in their wake and rendered the entire world a less safe place to live for all of us?
Don’t get me wrong. I have no respect for Bill Clinton, but the damage he did whilst in office pales into insignificance next to the war crimes perpetrated by Bush and his puppet-masters.
Whilst raging against the Democrats, an honourary mention must, however, be made of Dennis J. Kucinich, the Democratic representative for Ohio, who was the sole Democrat to turn up and even speak out against the bloodshed. Good for him.
But where was Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton?
And where was Senator Barack Obama?
Both of the above are presidential hopefuls for the next general election and yet neither of them has the backbone to stand up for what is right. No, there might be too much of a political backlash to such a gesture. The cynical Democrats know that concepts such as the truth and justice are double-edged swords. They can be used to further one’s own career or, if wielded clumsily or in the wrong situation, can impede that same career. As such, noble concepts become political expedients, just more weapons in the arsenal of hollow rhetoric to which we’ve become so accustomed. Fortitude and integrity are nowhere to be seen.
When you apply this knowledge to the Democratic party as a whole, you quickly realise how the current American government obtained carte blanche for their rampage of terror, torture and bloodshed from the deserts of Afghanistan through the plains of Iraq to the bunkers of Guantanamo Bay.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to know who I despise more, the Republicans or the Democrats. Are the accessories to the crimes not just as guilty as those who perpetrate them?