Love At First Sight

That’s how I felt back in 1989, when I first visited Amsterdam, and that’s how I feel again now after two days in the Czech capital, Prague (Praha). What an incredible city!

I’m typing this at the keyboard of a computer in our hotel’s foyer. It’s a Czech keyboard, but the characters produced by each key don’t always match the Czech notion of what should come out of them. It’s excruciating!

Anyway, we’re a few days into our trip now. We spent one night each in the German cities of Leipzig and Dresden before crossing the border into Czechia. Once across, we spent two nights in Dĕčín, where absolutely no-one spoke any English. My pidgin German was a lifesaver, since our efforts in Czech are less than stunning.

On the second day in Dĕčin, we went for a 16 km hike in the forested hills surrounding the nearby town of Hřensko. Wiesje spent most of the day with me in our new baby-carrier, something that left me sore and aching by the end of the day.

For the last couple of days, we’ve been hanging out in Prague, a city about which I could endlessly wax lyrical, were it not for the fact that Sarah will be pining away for me upstairs, so I’d better just leave it at this. We have a few more days left in Prague before we head further into the Republic, so we’re going to keep our fingers crossed that the weather remains dry and enjoy our time here to the fullest.

Needless to say, the whole family is enjoying this trip a great deal already.

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