New Look

Even though it was a slow and painful process (and one I said I wouldn’t bother to endure), I moved the blog over to the latest Movable Type templates in the course of yesterday.

The hardest part was getting the three column look that I favour to work properly. Even though Movable Type’s styles-site.css stylesheet contains styles whose name suggest that everything should just fall into place, that’s not the case; or, at least, not for me, as I don’t know how to apply them properly.

In fact, whilst Movable Type’s site is definitely not short on reasons why you should upgrade to the latest version, it falls down on telling you how to actually do so. All of the instructions are aimed at first-time installers. The only upgrade instructions refer to migrating from the standard version to the Enterprise product.

Apart from twiddling with the stylesheet, the biggest debugging headache was trying to figure out why the archives wouldn’t rebuild. Apache kept returning HTTP 500 errors. I debugged this by removing chunks of MT tags from the archive templates until they could successfully be rebuilt.

However, once I’d found what I thought was the culprit, starting afresh with an archive template and removing just that one tag no longer fixed the build problem. It was starting to seem as if the quantity of MT tags, not the type, was the issue.

I suspected some kind of time-out problem, possibly with mod_fcgid, so I turned to Google and eventually came across documentation that mentioned the IPCCommTimeout configuration directive. This controls the time-out when waiting for a response from a fastcgi application. Since the archive build process takes longer than this directive’s default setting of 20 seconds, mod_fcgid abandons the task, causing Apache to return an internal server error.

Simple, once you’ve localised the problem, but it was actually quite a bit of work to turn that up.

The next step will likely be to move the blog’s data from Berkeley DB files to MySQL, which should considerably improve its performance.

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Site Upgrade

I upgraded the site to Movable Type 3.34 today and installed mod_fcgid, a FastCGI implementation, which should hopefully provide a few performance improvements.

I wish it was easier to merge the latest versions of the default templates with my older versions, which I’ve customised quite a lot. Unfortunately, the new templates make use of a radically revised set of stylesheet classes, so it’s not possible to cut and paste my customisations into to the new templates. A lot of work would be required to figure out how the new ones work and it’s just not worth it for a site like this.

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Icelandic Photos On-Line

Whereas it took us five months to get the photos of our summer trip on-line, it’s taken us only a week to prepare the photos of our most recent trip to Iceland. It definitely helped that there were several thousand fewer of them.

More than ever before, Sarah and I felt very comfortable in Iceland on this trip. It’s very easy to imagine living there at some point in the future. The language is the only major obstacle, but that, too, is surmountable, of course.

In fact, I purchased a couple of books from a Reykjavík bookshop to help me learn Icelandic. I already knew it to be a difficult language, essentially unchanged from the Old Norse spoken 1000 years ago, but now I’ve seen the grammatical evidence. With its multiple genders, declensions and inflections, Icelandic is going to be a major challenge to learn, especially at a distance (where I have no opportunity to speak it or have my mistakes corrected). It remains to be seen whether I can summon enough discipline to dedicate enough time to the endeavour.

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Summer Trip Photos… finally.

It took quite some time, but I finally finished preparing the photos of our summer trip whilst in Providence. If you have any interest in visiting Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary or Austria (well, Vienna, anyway), you may be interested in looking at these.

I have removed many of the poorer ones, but I should probably prune the collection down a lot more. We were gone for two months and took a huge number of photos.

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9th January: Spring’s Here!

Our final day in Reykjavík was suitably lazy; until the evening, that is.

At 19:30, we were picked up for from the hotel and driven to another bus for the start of our [Northern Lights]( tour. We did vaguely get to see the lights, but they were so faint that our driver said he didn’t really count it as a sighting.

That was a real pisser. The driver, a really nice expatriate Englishmen, drove us half the way to Þingvellir to get us away from the city lights of Reykjavík and improve the conditions for viewing. Up there in the hills, it was bloody freezing, about -16°C with wind chill factored in. A thick Icelandic jumper, thick jacket, scarf, hat and gloves left me feeling as good as naked up there. I was chilled to the marrow of my bones, all for naught.

Eloïse, on the other hand, tramped around happily in the snow, snug and warm in her new jumpsuit and balaclava, both of which had been purchased just a couple of days before. She looked entirely suited to the conditions.

Speaking of the conditions, they were actually perfect for viewing, we were told: freezing cold, clear skies (no moon, but starlit so clearly that I can’t remember seeing a night sky like that before) and a place far from the city lights. Such conditions give one a 90% chance of significant activity, but we were fated to fall into the other 10%. Oh well. There’ll be a next time.

With no Northern Lights to view, there wasn’t much else to do, except chat to the driver and gain his perspective of Iceland as a foreigner living there. It was very interesting to hear what he had to say, and he answered many of our questions about the society, its politics and the language.

We didn’t get back to the hotel until after midnight, which, after packing, allowed us about three hours of sleep before we had to get up again for the bus ride to the airport at Keflavík. Getting up at 04:30 is no fun at all, especially when one has to lug big, heavy bags back and forth, soothe a cofused baby, change buses, etc.

Our flight took off on time at 07:50 GMT and got us back to Amsterdam at 11:50 CET. We were outside our front door by 13:00, so we made very good time.

The weather here is strange. It was 13.2°C today, a full 23°C (or 41°F, if you’re still in the dark ages) warmer than in Reykjavík. Whereas my thickest layers of clothing weren’t enough to keep me warm last night, I’m removing layers here to stop myself sweating. Coming straight after Iceland, it feels like spring here.

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