Category Archives: Travel
The Smoke
After almost ten hours in the air, I’ve made it to my hotel in London. In fewer than 70 hours, I’ll be on a plane back to San Francisco. Does that make me a jet-setter or just a daft sod? … Continue reading
London bound…
There’s just enough time to mention that I’m leaving in a few hours on a flight to London, where I’ll see Dead Can Dance perform twice and catch up with my old friend, Bas. This is a very quick jaunt … Continue reading
The Garden Island
Sarah and I made our fourth trip to Hawai’i in November to spend a long Thanksgiving on Kaua’i, the so-called garden island. We had a very relaxing time, ambling around, snorkelling and viewing the island from the air. I was … Continue reading
Photos of the Faroe Islands and Iceland
As fun as a holiday is while you’re actually on it, it’s extremely tedious to get back home and begin the seemingly endless process of comparing, selecting, sorting, rotating and captioning photos. Nevertheless, we’ve done the dirty deed and our … Continue reading
Eivør Pálsdóttir
While travelling in Iceland and the Faroes last month, we came across the music of Eivør Pálsdóttir, a 20 year old Faroese woman with a very strong voice and wide vocal range. Her first, eponomously titled album was released on … Continue reading