Category Archives: Life
Ongoing education
So, we’ve been to Blossom‘s Eating for Two class, Childbirth Preparation, Breastfeeding Basics and, today, Baby Care. I now know how to put on a nappy, be it a cloth one or a disposable; put one on a baby, that … Continue reading
Babies with attitude
Finally, some cool baby clothing. Click on the Buy link and look at those shirts. I may have to get a couple of these.
Parallel lives
Back in 1986, I would take the tube home to my shitty little bedsit in the arsehole of the universe, Neasden NW10, listening to the concert I’d just recorded on my trusty Sony WM-D6, a device that rather quaintly was … Continue reading
Seal cull
My ex-girlfriend, Jo, is currently in Canada, documenting in her blog the brutality and inhumanity of the commercial seal cull currently happening in that country. It’s written straight from the heart and tells a gripping story, although she has yet … Continue reading
Hiring a Greek slave
Sarah and I have decided to retain the services of a doula, Kristin Evans, for the birth of our first baby. We met Kristin at our childbirth preparation class, where she is the teacher. We um-ed and ah-ed for a … Continue reading