Category Archives: Life
Bugaboo Cameleon
After two months underway from The Netherlands to California, our Bugaboo Cameleon finally turned up this afternoon. In spite of the weight of the package and the length of time spent in transit, it arrived in great condition. After inspecting … Continue reading
Capturing the years
I had hoped to have purchased my first video camera in time for Franbert’s birth, but when I’d finally decided on the make and model I wanted, it was a camera that wouldn’t go on sale until after the birth: … Continue reading
Making a splash
A few days ago, I finally got around to assembling the AquaDoula birthing pool that we have rented from local midwife, Ronnie Falcao. I had a little trouble at first with getting the filling hose connected to our tap, as … Continue reading
Sony PSP
To take my mind off the pregnancy chaos that’s been going on in our lives over the last few weeks, I bought a Sony PSP video game a few days ago. This joins the Nintendo DS I picked up just … Continue reading
Full term
Well, Sarah has made it to full-term, the medical term for a foetus that has gestated for the full duration of normal pregnancy. This is defined by the medical community as 37 weeks. Our own belief, however, is that Franbert … Continue reading