Category Archives: Life
There’s The Rub
Eloïse continues to demand all of our time and attention. I can’t really tell whether she’s growing, but I assume she is. The only obvious sign to me that she is aging at all is that her strawberry blond hair … Continue reading
Final Paperwork
We finished filing the current spate of paperwork for Eloïse this morning, with the submission of her application for an American passport. The document in question should arrive around six weeks from now. Even if her Dutch passport arrives first, … Continue reading
Bureaucratic Headway
Sarah and I handed in Eloïse’s Dutch passport application at the Dutch Consulate in San Mateo this morning. A huge pile of original papers, apostilles, passports, photographs and photocopies were handed over the counter, verified and finally accepted. Because Sarah … Continue reading
Smart People With Bad Ideas
Here’s an interesting article on Why Smart People Defend Bad Ideas. There’s a bloke matching that description where I work, so I read this essay with interest. As most of us know, someone who is proficient at arguing and persuasive … Continue reading
Cutting Through The Tape
Well, today was a more productive day than yesterday. First off, we went to see Sabine, our paediatrician, in the morning. There, we discovered that Eloïse has regained her birth weight, which is great news. It means she’s feeding well … Continue reading