Category Archives: Life
Wiesje’s First Bike
Well, it’s not really her bike, but it’s for her, as you’ll see. We bought a second bike today, this time a bakfiets, our second purchase from the Fietsfabriek. A bakfiets is a bike with a large trough or box … Continue reading
Paper Trail
Somewhat later than anticipated, we finally handed in the paperwork today for Sarah’s application for a residence permit. We took tram 2 down to the Johan Huizingalaan and first had to combat the ongelooflijke lul on the front desk to … Continue reading
Eloïse’s First Trip By Train
Well, unless you count taking Caltrain to San Francisco, that is. That’s just a commuter train, though. Yesterday, Sarah, Eloïse and I took the train to Nijmegen to spend the afternoon with Jules and Linda. Eloïse behaved herself on the … Continue reading
Life So Far
In case you’re curious to know what we’ve been up to since our move, here’s a rundown of the last couple of weeks. I kept a small journal for the first few days of our life here, so the recollections … Continue reading
Life without modern technology is hard; really bloody hard. I had not accurately assessed how dependent we would be on the Internet after our move from California to Amsterdam. It seems that, these days, everyone requires you to fill in … Continue reading