Category Archives: Life

Road Test

Ilias had his first bath on Thursday. Newborns have a uniquely lovely smell, a scent that supposedly aids bonding, so we like to let it sit for a week or so after birth. He was looking a bit flaky, though, … Continue reading

Posted in Children | 4 Comments

Einde Kraamtijd

If I were writing this blog solely for other people, now would be a good, if somewhat belated moment to discontinue it. I don’t think anyone reads it any more. If you think I should abandon this blog, just let … Continue reading

Posted in Children | 10 Comments

Ilias Eoin Linus Xavier Macdonald

Our difficulties with choosing names for our children are well documented. If reading that gives you a sense of déjà vu, that’s hardly surprising, because they’re actually really well documented. This was almost the hardest decision we’ve ever had to … Continue reading

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Too Flogged To Blog

What I haven’t written here over the last couple of days speaks volumes; to me, anyway. We didn’t even manage to take any photos on Thursday or Friday, but are rectifying that today with a selection of shots of the … Continue reading

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And Then There Were Five

Sarah woke me at 05:30 this morning with labour pains. Successive contractions were just a couple of minutes apart, so I got straight on the phone to Laura, our midwife, and Jacky, our doula. This is the same birth team … Continue reading

Posted in Children | 11 Comments