Category Archives: Children
Natural Childbirth
Whilst randomly browsing tonight, I came across this wonderfully balanced article on natural childbirth vs. interventions. It’s exceptionally well-written and nicely sums up how I feel about the subject. It recognises that the complaints women on both sides of the … Continue reading
Surprise Delicacy
Sarah opened the freezer yesterday evening and was surprised by the sight of her frozen placenta. We had no idea it had been kept in cold storage by one of our labour team. We’re not quite sure what to do … Continue reading
Eloïse Amalia Liesbeth Hermione Macdonald
A little known fact is that Sarah and I started arguing over names pretty much right after we started going out together. It’s a good thing the discussions started early, as there was a lot of ground to cover. Since … Continue reading
Parenting has begun in earnest today. Where have all the hours gone? Between breastfeeding, nappy changing, doing the laundry, preparing food for Sarah, tidying up, cuddling the baby and fielding phone calls, the whole day has somehow almost unnoticeably been … Continue reading
The First Day
If yesterday was as busy as hell, today didn’t provide much respite. The day started early with some mild crying. We slowly rose to greet the day and set about calling Sabina, our paediatrician, to make an appointment. She was … Continue reading