I finally got around to upgrading our server to FC5 this evening, so we’re now running Apache 2.2 and other goodies. The laptop has been brought up to date, too, leaving only the workstation upstairs still to be done.
Peter and I dug out my ill-fated MythTV hardware earlier this week and spent some time on it. There are definitely some hardware problems, but we managed to work around them, cannibalising a video card from another machine and discovering a dead connector on the power-supply unit.
That box is now also running FC5, but the Netgear WG311 802.11b card I bought for it has a revision 3 chipset, which isn’t supported by Linux. I’m going to have to pull the three year old PCI wireless card out of my workstation and use that in the MythTV box, but at least that will save me from having to purchase any more hardware; that box has been expensive enough already.
What else have we done lately? Well, the car’s back bumper has been repaired. It was an expensive repair, involving the complete replacement of the bumper and a respray of the side panels, but the car’s looking as good as new again now, with the colour apparently having been perfectly matched.
The boiler downstairs saw its first maintenance in many years earlier this week, probably even its first since being fitted. That fixed the problem of the hallway radiator getting hot even when the heating was turned off, which was a very irritating manifestation, especially on a hot summer day.
Tomorrow, a gardener arrives to take care of our burgeoning jungle and, later in the week, we’ll be having some gauze blinds fitted, which will allow us to keep the kitchen and dining-room doors open, without fear of Eloïse crawling outside or insects flying inside.
Speaking of those doors, the deluge of rain today revealed some minor leaks in the seal of the kitchen door. There’s another one in the skylight of the guest bathroom. Sigh… More maintenance to have done.
Finally, the bureaucracy factory is firing up again. It’s time to renew Sarah’s residence permit, which looks like it’s going to be quite a bit of work again, as I must once more prove that I can keep Sarah in the style to which she has become accustomed. More photocopies of bank statements, passport pages, etc., etc. will be winging their way to the IND any day now.