So, my time in Providence comes to an end. It’s been fun to see the Ocean State, though very cold. We took the train up to Boston earlier in the week, which was great fun.
In a few short hours, Sarah and I get on a plane to Ft. Lauderdale, flying via Philadelphia. I hope the damn blizzard doesn’t cause us to get stranded there. That would be no fun at all. Warmer climes, here we come.
hacker, since you’ve also signed the Palm NDA, I can let you have the PalmOS 4 stuff when I get back into the office next week, if you like. BTW, the latest version of POSE compiles on my box, but SEGVs after loading up. Sigh… I’m really enjoying your diary entries, too. Watch out that you don’t weaken yourself too much with all that nutrition experimentation.