Eloïse has quite a bad case of chicken pox. Whereas a lot of children get away with a handful of pocks on their face and chest, Eloïse is covered in the bloody things. They’re all over her face, chest, arms, and bum; and she has a good number on other parts of her body, too. They must number several hundred, I’d say. She may even have as many as I had a couple of weeks ago.
The whole family endured a pretty much sleepless night last night, thanks to Eloïse’s discomfort. We had to get up at irregular intervals, every half an hour or so, to put calendula cream on her welts. They’re very bothersome to her now and she’s feeling very sorry for herself. In particular, the ones on her bum are clustered very densely and are very itchy. She says they hurt a lot and she is visibly in pain when she attempts to sit on a hard surface.
We’ve also put some menthol talc on her today, but it’s hard to say whether it’s helping. She’s suffering with diarrhoea, too, and her mood is very depressed. Poor little girl. She went to the peuterspeelzaal this afternoon, which I hoped would help lift her mood, but she came home again within a few minutes.
We’re treating her with the same two homeopathic remedies that I took when I had the virus, namely Antimonium tartaricum 200K and Rhus toxicodendron 200K.
I do hope she’ll be feeling somewhat better tomorrow. It’s the worst torment in the world to see your child suffering in front of you and be unable to do anything to help.