Wiesje (a.k.a. Poe-Poe, a.k.a. Eloïse) paid a visit to the consultatiebureau this morning. She now weighs 8.87 kg, is 70.5 cm long and has a cranial circumference of 46.5 cm. What this means is that she’s growing well and hovering around the national average. The doctor was very pleased with her progress.
She’s getting heavy now. The days of comfortably carrying her around in one arm are long gone. In fact, two arms are now prone to ache after a few minutes of lugging her lovely, chubby little body around.
We’ll put up some new pictures soon. Whereas whe was a carbon copy of me for the first few months, she’s now looking more and more like Sarah with each passing day. Looking at photos of Sarah as a baby, it’s hard to tell them apart. They’re like two drops of water.