We finished filing the current spate of paperwork for Eloïse this morning, with the submission of her application for an American passport. The document in question should arrive around six weeks from now. Even if her Dutch passport arrives first, it’s illegal for an American citizen to enter or leave the US on a non-American passport, so we really need the evidence of Yankeedom before we can move a muscle internationally. We have no travel plans before August, anyway, so that should be fine.
Once nice thing about the paperwork has been that it’s been getting us out of the house. The days pass by in such dissatisfyingly nondescript fashion if one doesn’t get out of the house at least once for an hour or two. Besides, it’s been a great opportunity to push our Bugaboo Cameleon around town.
We’ve uploaded a few new photos from Eloïse’s third week of life, but they’re not terribly interesting. I need to take more photos without using a flash, as the flash discolours her hair and accentuates her pigmentation, which ends up making her look like a little goblin. She’s a lot better looking in real life!
If you want to take great indoor pictures, you are best to use an external flash and bounce it off the white ceiling, much more flattering! Of course, your camera needs to support one, but many of the better compacts do. (Canon G series, Nikon 5400 and the like and Olympus C-8080/7070/etc)
For the best quality, upgrade to a digital SLR! 🙂
Yes; my camera, a Konica Minolta A2, can take an external flash, but I don’t own one. I’m just not yet serious enough about my photography to enter into the world of the big boys and SLRs.