A few days ago, I finally got around to assembling the AquaDoula birthing pool that we have rented from local midwife, Ronnie Falcao.
I had a little trouble at first with getting the filling hose connected to our tap, as the aerator was fused to it with limescale and other crap. I had to settle for sterilising the other parts of the kit that evening, as there was nothing more I could do. Thankfully, Franbert decided not to put in an appearance that evening.
The next day, Jason lent me a wrench to remove the aerator, which did the trick nicely. Thanks, Jason. Once that was off, I could connect the hose’s tap attachment and do a quick check of the hose.
Anyway, now it’s all set up and ready to go. All that’s missing is the one-time liner sheet, the water and the labouring woman. Still, it shouldn’t be too long now.