I was lucky enough to have a seat today in Kirk McKusick’s course, FreeBSD Kernel Internals, based on his book, The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System. Today was the first day of the course, which has been organised by Google and is being held on-site on Thursdays in February.
How nice to be able to spend one day a week listening to a recognised expert on the UNIX operating system, as he runs through the design and implementation of the system that’s been keeping me in work all these years. And to think I get paid to sit there and listen to him, too. Poor me.
The Finance department was having an ice-cream party when we stopped for a break in the mid-afternoon, so we even gatecrashed their party and tanked up on dessert.
It’s a hard life sometimes.
…and I have to wait till youre damn lot is done so that I can start my course! Life is so damn unfair!