rit - Ruby IMAP Tool

Overview and Introduction

rit is the Ruby IMAP tool. It can be used to manipulate mailboxes over IMAP, allowing you to copy and delete mailboxes and their contents.

When copying a mailbox, its subscription status and all of the IMAP flags of the messages it contains are preserved on the destination server. You can also perform dynamic mailbox name translation if you need to rename the mailboxes as you copy them.

The software has been fairly heavily tested using Cyrus IMAP 2.1.12 and version 3.2.3-GA of the Mirapoint operating system. A few system I/O errors have occurred during that testing, but all known logical bugs in the program have now been eliminated.

The software has not been tested with the University of Washington IMAP server and is unlikely to work, due to namespace issues. This may be investigated for a later release. If you are in a position to test such a set-up and supply a patch, I would be glad to hear from you.


rit has just one prerequisite (other than Ruby itself being installed, of course). That is the installation of the Ruby/Password library.


rit-0.5.0.tar.gztarred and gzipped source
rit-0.5.0-1.i386.rpmBinary RPM
rit-0.5.0-1.src.rpmSource RPM